
Solved: Terraform - AWS …

I recently returned to a terraform project after a couple of months. Upon cutting a new release, I received the error: ECS Task Definition container_definitions is invalid: decoding JSON: json: cannot unmarshal Go value of type array into... I traced the error back to a Lambda Function where the …

Solved: Terraform - …

I have been managing a software project for a client for a couple years. Oftentimes, multiple months go by without needing to do any maintenance work; however, when maintenance comes up, dependency issues can arise because the dependencies have not been updated in a couple of months. Today, I was …

Data Insecurity: DC …

Granting journalists access to the locations of automatic traffic camera speeding tickets is essential for promoting accountability and public safety. Transparency in automated enforcement allows journalists to investigate the effectiveness of camera placements, ensuring they prioritize high-risk …