Misadventures with dbt …
please note: I will refer to two kinds of tables: a “table” (lowercase) is a general term for a data frame that contains data in rows and column. A “Table” (uppercase) is a specific term for a materialization, a concept that is explored below. Databases often follow a star …
Questions for Navigating …
It is difficult to move from working alone to working in a team. I don’t mean working as part of an organization where individuals run their own projects, I am talking about attempting to establish norms and standards across a team that individuals are then responsible for implementing in their …
Why Can't I Connect to my …
Problem: I recently received an error while attempting to SSH into an EC2 instance. The error specifically said “ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out” I checked the normal issue areas (connected to internet gateway and no unhealthy status …