
Misadventures with dbt …

please note: I will refer to two kinds of tables: a “table” (lowercase) is a general term for a data frame that contains data in rows and column. A “Table” (uppercase) is a specific term for a materialization, a concept that is explored below. Databases often follow a star …

Enhancing AWS Athena with …

AWS Athena allows you to run SQL queries against a data lake on an ad-hoc basis. Many analysts begin using Athena in the workbench in AWS console. This setup is ideal for iterating as you explore your data and refine your queries. But this setup is not ideal if you need to run queries on a regular …

Differences Between Local …

While implementing testing coverage across a chrome extension to parse recipes from webpages, a number of errors came up as I tested the code automatically using Jest on my local computer and when manually testing on real webpages. The issues all boil down to how code is packaged and made available …